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Objectives of the Book
1. Providing a Contemporary Reading of Traditional Distribution Channels: This section sheds light on the concept of traditional distribution channels, their importance and types. It prepares the reader for a comparison with digital distribution channels through a comprehensive scientific approach.
2. Clarifying the Differences Between Goods, Services, Ideas, and Experiences: The book aims to deliver a clear, comprehensive, and unambiguous explanation to help readers understand the commercial meanings of goods, services, ideas, and experiences in a new and innovative way.
3. Providing the Reader with Knowledge of Digital Distribution Channels: This objective offers a comprehensive yet simplified explanation of digital distribution channels and highlights how they differ from traditional channels, emphasizing their increasing importance in today’s and future digital business environments.
4. Clarifying the Types of Customers and Sellers in the Digital Market: Defining e-customers and e-sellers, along with explaining their characteristics, behaviors, and effective strategies for interacting with them in the digital environment.
5. Providing a Comprehensive Overview of the Digital Market Infrastructure: Offering a detailed explanation of the key components of the digital infrastructure, including electronic networks, databases, hardware, software, and emphasizing the importance of security and privacy in this environment.
6. Highlighting the Front End and Back End Components of the Digital Distribution: Explaining how customers interact with the digital marketplace through front end components, like seller portals and shopping carts, in addition to explaining the back end processes that support these activities, such as inventory management, and order and payment processing.
7. Providing an Expanded Concept of the Types of E-Markets: Offering a detailed analytical overview of various e-market types, such as B2B, B2C, and C2C, along with an explanation of how each type operates and contributes to the growth of digital commerce.
8. Presenting the Concepts of Disintermediation and Reintermediation: Providing a comprehensive overview of how these concepts influence the structure of both traditional and digital markets, and how organizations can benefit from these changes to enhance efficiency and increase profitability.
9. Foreseeing Future Trends in Digital Distribution Channels: Presenting insights into future technological advancements and their impact on digital distribution channels, in addition to providing guidance for organizations on how to adapt to these changes to ensure sustainable success.
10. Raising Awareness of the Importance of Digital Transformation: Offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the importance of digital transformation in the business environment, and how to adopt effective and efficient digital distribution strategies to adapt to current and future market changes and achieve a competitive edge.
By achieving these objectives, the book aspires to serve as a comprehensive and practical guide for anyone looking to understand digital distribution channels and to effectively utilize them in today’s fast-evolving business
1. Traditional Distribution Channels
Introduction to Traditional Distribution Channels
The Importance of Traditional Distribution Channels
Types of Traditional Distribution Channels
Functions of Intermediaries in Traditional Distribution Channels
Challenges Facing Traditional Distribution Channels
End of Chapter Questions
2. The Concept of Digital Distribution Channels
The Definition of Digital Distribution Channels
The Difference Between Traditional and Digital Channels
The Importance of Digital Channels in the Modern Market
End of Chapter Questions
3. E-Customers and E-Sellers
Definition of E-Customers
Characteristics of E-Customers
Behaviors of E-Customers
Challengs Faced by E-Customers
Types of E-Sellers
Key Characteristics of E-Sellers
Challenges Faced by E-Sellers
Strategies for Success of E-Sellers
Strategies for Dealing with E-Customers
End of Chapter Questions
4. Digital Market Infrastructure
Electronic Networks
Hardware and Software Needed
The Importance of Security and Privacy in Digital Infrastructure
End of Chapter Questions
5. FrontEnd of Digital Distribution
Seller Portals and Method of Use
Electronic Catalogs and Shopping Carts
Search Engines and Online Auctions
Payment Gateways and Their Importance in E-Commerce
End of Chapter Questions
6. Back End of Inventory Management and Logistics Operations
Inventory Management and Logistics Operations
Order Collection and Fulfillment
Accounting and Finance in E-Commerce
Payment Processing, Insurance, Packaging and Delivery
End of Chapter Questions
7. Types of Online Marketplaces
Introduction Business-to-Business (E-BB) Marketplaces
Business-to-Consumer (E-BC) Marketplaces
Consumer-to-Consumer (E-CC) Marketplaces
A Comparison Between Different Types of Online Marketplaces
End of Chapter Questions
8. Disintermediation and Reintermediation in theDigital Age
Introduction The Concept of Disintermediation
The Concept of Reintermediation
Effects of Disintermediation and Reintermediation on Traditional and Digital Markets
End of Chapter Questions
9. Distribution Channels Challenges and Opportunities in Digital
Technical, Legal and Ethical Challenges in Digital Distribution Channels
New Opportunities for Growth and Innovation in Digital Distribution Channels
Strategies to Overcome Challenges and Take Advantage of Opportunities in Digital Distribution Channels
End of Chapter Questions
10. Case Studies and Practical Examples
Case Studies and Practical Examples in Arab Countries
Case Studies and Practical Examples in East Asian Countries
Case Studies and Practical Examples in European Countries
Case Studies and Practical Examples in the Russian Federation
Case Studies and Practical Examples in North American Countries
Case Studies and Practical Examples in South American Countries
Case Studies and Practical Examples in African Countries
Case Studies and Practical Examples in the Countries of the Australian Continent
End of Chapter Questions
Scientific Opinions about the Digital Distribution Channels Book
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