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Thanks to God for helping us to produce this book.
The general aim of this book is to acquaint the student or the learner with the structural anatomy of the body as a whole, care was especially taken to provide the students with knowledge of the structure of the body of the human being.
The specific aim of this book is therefore to enable the students/ learner to deal with all the systems of the human body in an attempt to make it easy for the paramedical students at the community colleges intermediate university colleges to recognize the organs of the human body.
A total of some ten units will be then considered in turn-several topics, a sub topics for each unit.
After each unit, unit review is considered to summarize the main issues of each unit at the end of this book, the student would have gone though the active spectrum of anatomy by understanding the structures of the body systems, describing the body organs and integrating the anatomy of the body with its physiology.
1: An Introduction to The Human Body
Definition of Anatomy
Levels of Body Organization
Body Systems and their Organs
Anatomical Terminology
Unit review
2: The Cells and Tissues of the Body
Cell structure
Body tissues
Unit review
3: Blood, Cardiovascular and Lymph System
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
Blood Vessels
Unit review
4: The Nervous System
Structure and functions of the Nervous System
Organization of the nervous system
Spinal cord
Unit review
5: The Skin
Introduction to skin structure
The layers of skin
Subcutaneous fat layer
Unit review
6: The Endocrine System
Exocrine glands Endocrine glands
Unit review
7: The Respiratory System
Introduction to the respiratory system
Conducting passages
Unit review
8: The Digestive System
General structure of the digestive system
Organs of the digestive system
Accessory organs
Functions of the digestive system
Unit review
9: Genitourinary System
The Urinary System
Components of the urinary system
The Reproductive System
Unit review
10: The Skeletomuscular System
Skeletal system
Structure of bone tissue
Classification of bones
The main division of the skeleton
How to maintain healthy bones
The muscular system
Unit review
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عمان - العبدلي - شارع الملك حسين - عمارة رقم 185
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