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English for communication is a textbook for students at all different stages of learning. It presents and approach which suits the level of students, taking into account the basic needs of communication. Throughout this textbook, emphasis is placed on oral expression practice, together with relevant exercises that enhance the mastery of communication skills. The emphasis is on main topics with an attempt to avoid the many sub-topics that may form a burden on the students when trying to main pulqtae the different functions of structures. It is also helpful and handy to instructors because they can find many useful exercises to present and an adequate material to test and evaluate. Instructors and students will find in it a shift from traditional sub-categories of functions, taking into account that students may get confused by such many sub – categories. They need to communicate in English as easily and simply as possible. All this effort has been planned carefully, with a full awareness of the needs of students throughout the author’s experience in teaching at the different stages of schools, community and university colleges.
Furthermore, other readers interested in communication in English and who see to improve it will find it adequate for their purposes, especially those who plan to go abroad to English-speaking countries, where they likely to find themselves embarrassed if they fail to communicate in English in different everyday life situations.
1. Asking And Answering Questions
verb to be
verb to do
verb to have
question tags
asking about general appearance
2. Future Plans And Intentions
how to make reservations
how to ask about plans for the future
how to answer about plans for the future
how to use different forms for future time
how to make and comment on predications
3. Socializing
how to introduce yourself
how to respond to an introduction
how to introduce a person to another one
how to greet others
greetings on the road
greeting in U.K.
greetings at the airport
partings at the airport
beginning a chat with others
asking about personal comfort and health
talking about personal comfort and health
expressing pleasure or sympathy
asking about experience
polite requests
replying to polite requests
responding to an apology
responding to thanks
asking about other people
talking about the weather
4. Finding The Way
how to ask someone the way
how to answer
how to say you are unable to give directions
how to give simple directions
5. Suggestions
making suggestions and plans
accepting suggestions
how to half –accept suggestions
counter –suggestions
asking for suggestions
disagreeing with suggestions
6. likes, Dislikes And Preferences
how to express likes
how to express dislikes
how to show preferences
how to ask about one's likes and dislikes
how to agree of disagree with a person's preference
how to talk about past likes and dislikes
7. Invitations
how to invite others
how to refuse an invitation politely giving excuses
how to persist with and invitation to try to persuade others
8. Requests And Offers
how to ask for and give things
how to offer things (help)
how to accept offers (help)
how to refuse offers (help)
how to ask for help
how to respond to asking for help
how to reply to an offer of help
how to make polite requests or promises
how to respond to polite requests
how to respond to 'would you mind'
how to ask for permission
how to give permission
how not to give permission
how to use let and might for permission and possibility
how to warn against danger
how to assure safety
9. Opinions
how to agree
how to give your opinion neutrally
how to give a strong opinion
how to agree in part
how to disagree
how to disagree strongly
how to ask for an opinion
how to express personal opinions
how to describe a person
how to blame others
how to respond to blame
10.Problems And Advice
how to offer advice
how to ask about a problem
how to show sympathy
how to respond to sympathy
11.Certainty And Uncertainty
how to show certainty
how to show uncertainty
degrees of certainty about the future
confirming obligations
questioning obligations
releasing people from obligations
use of modals
12.Regrets And Criticism
how to express regrets
how to express a stronger regret in the past
how to talk about imaginary past events
how to talk about wishes and regrets in the past
how to talk about people critically
how to criticize something
13.Apologies And Excuses
how to apologies
how to accept apologies
how to make excuses
how to apologies and give explanations
requesting identity
when you do not want to give your name
requesting a particular person or service
how to take messages
making appointments
when the person is not free
when the person is not in
confirming an appointment
postponing an appointment
canceling an appointment
making a hotel reservation
asking about the price
restaurant reservations
for how many, stating conditions
canceling a reservation
how to make a flight reservation
how you want to travel
16.Selected Additional Reading
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